Tyler developed this educational model because he felt that educational programs lacked clearly defined goals and objectives for the purpose of measuring student achievement in the course. Ralph Tyler interpreted  that the vast majority of educational curriculum was defined by a sense of inflexibility and restriction, rather than goal-oriented and directed learning activities. By creating the Tyler Model, he was able to succinctly and accurately outline a series of basic steps for developing curriculum that was laden with measurable and attainable educational objectives.  Through the development of the Tyler Model of curriculum evaluation, there was created a “process of determining the educational effectiveness of learning experiences” (Bloom, Madaus, & Hastings 1981). Ralph Tyler’s educational career was not focused specifically on nursing education. This evaluation model was developed for use in general education, not specifically nursing education, although his evaluation principles have affected nursing education in just as profound a way as other educational programs.  The development of this model was not based upon progressive ideas of evaluation that stemmed from new technological or curriculum developments of the current time. In fact, no exploration of the idea of evaluation had been done up to this point. Tyler’s concept of curriculum evaluation was truly an original idea of his time period that helped to lay a foundation for the future of curriculum development and evaluation. He formulated his ideas through observation of the current educational process (during his role as an educator), as well as through collected data from his Eight-Year Study (during his role as a researcher of educators).

            Overtime, there has been much change related educational program evaluation, including nursing education programs. As early as 1978, nurse educators began to focus on the need for evaluation theory in guiding nursing program evaluation. In 1978, Friesner reviewed five evaluation models, including Tyler’s objective model, for relevance to program evaluation in nursing education. It was concluded that none of the models alone were effective for guiding the evaluation process in nursing education. However, it was recommended that nurse educators blend elements and principles of all models to conclude with the most effective evaluation tool (Billings and Halstead 2009).

            Tyler’s proposed model focused on evaluation that occurred at the end of a learning experience, thus being a summative approach to evaluation. Over time, more focus was placed on a formative approach to evaluation, namely one that focused on curriculum evaluation during the entire development and implementation of an educational program (Billings and Halstead 2009). Since Ralph Tyler’s model development, several theories and approaches to program evaluation have been developed, all with slightly differing approaches to this important educational task. However, all theories have stemmed from the important concept of having precise and obtainable objectives as the foundation of an educational program, as was first suggested by Ralph Tyler.